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Double espresso serve hot
Double espresso topped with hot/cold water
Double espresso with water
A latte made with less milk
Double espresso with steamed milk and dollop of foam
Double espresso with fresh steamed milk foam
Double espresso with fresh steamed thick milk foam toppes with cocoa powder
在咖啡的“三劍客”中,摩卡咖啡算是低調的。它另兩個兄弟——拿鐵和卡布奇諾總是站在聚光燈下,出盡光頭!但當你遇到熱摩卡咖啡時,你會感覺到"它是一杯特別溫馨的咖啡。" 濃濃的咖啡香加上重重的巧克力味,入口甜甜暖暖的,當您還來不及回味,陣陣...
Double espresso with steamed milk and sweet vanilla syrup
Double espresso with steamed milk and brown sugar
Double espresso with steamed milk and gula Melaka
Double espresso with steamed milk and Hazelnut
Double espresso with steamed milk and mint
Double espresso with steamed milk and Vanilla
Double espresso with whipped cream
COLDBREW4FREE1 】折扣碼購買享受買4送1。 一般來說, 沖煮咖啡最適水溫介於90.5~96°C 之間,但冷萃咖啡的水溫卻遠低於這個數值。這樣的過程能夠大為降低酸度(acidity)與苦澀味,使得風味更加甘甜醇厚。很多人會...
A latte made with cold brew coffee.